Sunday, August 2, 2015

#61 - Kingdom Prosperity #27

There is one last parable in Luke 12:42-47 I want to look at that reinforces the insights on effective Stewardship we saw in the first two parables we looked at.

If you are submitted to the authorities you are under and are an effective Steward over what they entrust you with to take care of, you will be blessed with more. But if you are not submitted and not an effective Steward you will not be blessed, and you subject yourself to the wrath of God.

Finally, the kind of Steward you are over what God entrusts you with reveals your heart to God. Because it's your heart that God is really after and concerned about. Do you have a heart for God and truly trust Him as your source, or is your heart for the things of the world and your trust in yourself, other people and everything but God?

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