Monday, October 12, 2015

#79 Updater - Kingdom Prosperity #45

A couple of people have let me know they have had trouble responding to the free offer in the Post below via this Blog. So you can also respond via the Feedback Link on my web site at Sorry for any inconvenience.

This will be my last Blog on Kingdom Prosperity, at least for now.

I've attempted to share a little from each Chapter in my Book on Kingdom Prosperity, covering all of the key principles as much as possible on this Blog. I pray it was enough to wet your appetite so that you desire to apply these principles in your life, no matter where you are financially right now.

While I would be honored if you went to and purchased a hard copy or Kindle version of my Book, God's instruction to me was to get this message out to the people. So if you send me a message via this Blog with your mailing address, I'll mail you a copy of my Book at my cost. I only ask that you request more than one copy so you can share the Book with others. This offer is limited to requests for 100 of the copies I currently have in Inventory on a first come first served basis. If after reading the Book you are blessed by and so enclined, feel free to send me a love gift of any amount.

In any event, whether you get a copy of my book or use the information from my 45 Posts on Kingdom Prosperity, it's up to you to apply the principles God has given me to share so you can truly experience the Kingdom Prosperity God has for your life and the lives of others.

I'm going to take a short break from Blogging, but stay tuned, as I'll be back in a few weeks starting a new series. Until then, be blessed!

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