The way of the world is to buy things on time, with the accumulation of debt considered the norm. In fact, without any debt you have no credit history, and often you are considered a bad risk.
But how does God look at debt? He'd prefer you have none, but some may be neccessary.
A debt is a legal and moral obligation that must be repaid. It's actually a covenant, a binding agreement, which cannot be broken without some penalty being incurred. It's a vow we are obligated to keep.
Numbers 30:2 tells us if we make a vow we are to honor it, and Romans 13:7 tells us we should owe no one anything except love. Proverbs 22:7 tells us the borrower is servant to the lender, and we know God does not want us to be a servant to any man. So from these and other scritures it is clear that God's will is for us to not have any debt.
But some debt may be neccessary such as for a mortgage on your home, a car loan, etc. However, that some debt may be neccessary is not a license to go out and run up as much debt as you can. If you must incur debt, be sure you can handle the payments, and work to pay the debt off as soon as you can like Numbers 30:2 tells us to do. If the service on a debt you are considering is beyond your means, you may have to downsize what you are planning to purchase to get the monthly payments down to a managable level.
Bottom line, while some debt may be neccessary, if you can avoid it you should, as God's will is that you have no debt and not be in the bondage that comes with debt. And if must incur debt, be sure it's managable and that you are a good steward over the resources you do have to be pay the debt off according to the terms of the debt or sooner.
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