Thursday, July 30, 2015

#60 - Kingdom Prosperity #26

There's another parable in Luke 16 that also gives us some important insights into effective Stewardship.

We see in verses 1-2 that Stewards eventually have to give an account for what they have been entrusted with to the one who entrusted it to them. We see further that if you do not care for what you have been entrusted with as instructed (to grow what you have been entrusted with in value and worth) you may never be entrusted with anything again in the future.

The same holds true with what God entrusts you with, including financial blessings. If you are an effective Steward and responsible and accountable to care for what God has entrusted you with as He wants you to,( He will bless you with more. If you are not an effective Steward, not only will God not bless you with more but He will take what you already have and give it to someone else as we saw in the Matthew 25 parable.

Being an effective Steward is serious business, but demonstrates to God that you truly trust Him as your source so He can trust you and bless you with more.

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