What are your financial priorities?
You understand the foundational principles of Kingdom Prosperity, God's Financial Plan of Tithes & Offerings, and the principles of effective Stewardship, financial and otherwise. So what next?
The short answer is financial priorities. As God starts to prosper you financially, you need to have a plan for using that prosperity as God wants you to. And that plan starts with establishing your financial priorities, which the next several Posts will discuss how to do.
While everyone's financial priorities will differ, the number one financial priority for everyone is the same - advancing the work of the Kingdom here in the earth realm. If this sounds like Tithes & Offerings, love gifts, blessing others financially, etc. which we've already talked about, it is! But that doesn't happen by itself. It takes a plan which starts with making this your number one financial priority.
Go back and read Deuteronomy 8:18 and Matthew 6:33, and you'll see (be reminded) that God's number one priority in blessing you financially is to establish His covenent, His Kingdom in the earth realm. And if that's God's top priority it should ours as well in every area of our lives, including our finances, seeking His Kingdom and righteousness first!
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