Saturday, July 4, 2015

#52 - Kingdom Prosperity #18

Do you write your tithe & offering checks at home before you come to church, or in church when it's time to give? The answer reveals a lot about where your heart is.

Deuteronomy 26:1-3 tells us we should bring our first produce to the Lord. That means we should write our tithe and offering checks first before all other checks. Many people do not though because even though they may love the Lord, they don't really put Him first in their lives. Instead of making Him their life they try to squeeze God in their life around their schedule. God doesn't want our leftovers or takes second place to anyone or anything.

But putting God first in your life and truly giving your heart to God is a choice, a decision you have to make out of your own free will. While making the tithe and offering check the first check you write isn't the only way you show God He has your heart, it is one way and requires both you choosing to do so and then disciplining yourself to do so (like making it the first line item in your budget).

We'll talk about when and how to pray over your tithes and offerings in the next Post.

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