Monday, July 27, 2015

#59 - Kingdom Prosperity #25

The parable in Matthew 25:14-30 gives us great insight into what being an effective Steward is all about, not only over the financial blessings God bestows upon us as in this parable but over all of the blessings God bestows upon us.

The first insight is that effective Stewards take action. They just don't baby sit what they are entrusted with, but make movement to grow it in value and worth.

The second insight is that effective Stewards learn how the one who entrusts them with something to watch over wants them to take care of and grow what they entrust them with, through knowledge of the one who entrusted it to them which takes time, study of and spending time with that person, asking questions, listening to and for instructions, etc.

The third insight is that effective Stewards know and make sure the one who entrusted them with something to watch over knows what they are capable of and are not capable of.

The fourth insight is that the one entrusting us with something won't give us something we can't handle, if they know what we are capable (see insight three above). In the case of God, He already knows what we are capable of and not capable of, and will not entrust us with something we can't handle, nor until we have demonstrated we can handle it even if we are capable.

The fifth insight which is an offshoot of the fourth insight,  is that an effective Steward needs to walk in faith that he can do what God wants him to do to care for and grow what He has been entrusted with.

We'll look at some more insights into effective Stewardship from another parable in the next Post.

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