In my last post I covered the final component for exercising faith in your everyday life, acting or making movement on what you believe in your heart and have confessed out our of your mouth, with the example of claiming healing as God promises in His Word in your knees. I also said I would address the doubts some may have had that it really doesn't take faith to claim that healing.
The best way I know how to do that is to share a personal testimony from my own life involving healing in one of my knees. For all I can share is what I believe (from God's Word) and what I know from exercising faith on that Word in my own life.
A little over 7 years ago just after my wife had gone to be with the Lord, I was on a ladder cleaning leaves out of my garage gutters on a warm November Fall day when the ladder gave way, and I tumbled over my deck and tried to land on my left foot. When I hit the ground I felt my left knee move in a way it isn't supposed to. There I was on the ground in great, no wife in the house to help me. Fortunately, my next door neighbor at the time was a stay at home dad, and was out working in his yard. He came over and helped me into the house. I called my son who came and took me to the hospital where a splint was put on my knee, I was given pain killers, and an appointment was made for me to see an orthopedic surgeon. The surgeon told me I had damage to the ACL, MCL, ligaments and I don't even remember what else, that I would need surgery, but would have to go through rehab first to strengthen the knee. When I got back home I dug into the Word reading a number of healing scriptures. Even though I already knew these scriptures well, I wanted to reinforce my believe from them that it was God's will for me to be healed before I claimed that healing by exercising my faith. Once I did, I confessed those scriptures over my life and claimed healing in my left knee, thanking God when I was done. I then confessed each day that I believed my knee was healed, and tried to make movement with my knee each day even when I couldn't.
I went through the rehab, took the prescribed medications, and saw the orthopedic surgeon regularly as scheduled. Although she would say my knee was getting stronger, she also continued to say my knee was still in pretty bad shape and I would still need surgery. My reply was thank you doctor, but I believe my knee is healed. This went on for about 3 months, as I continued to exercise my faith on the Word of God and not the circumstances. Over time I was able to do more and more with my knee, progressing from crutches to a cane and finally walking short distances on my own. The doctor kept saying I would still need surgery, and I kept saying I believed my knee was already healed. Finally, at the end of the rehab period when I went for what was to be my last exam before having surgery, the doctor asked my to walk on my own which I was able to do without even a limp. After taking some x-rays she said she didn't quite understand how, but my left knee was fine. Everything seemed to be back to normal, and she just wanted to drain some fluid build-up out of my knee and I would be good to go, with no need for surgery. I said thank you doctor, and when I left her office I thanked God and confessed that I now know (no longer having to believe) that my knee was healed. And to this day, my left knee has been just fine, and in fact is stronger than my right knee.
I know this has been a long post, but I wanted to share that testimony to give a real life illustration of faith at work. Whether or not you choose to believe it was my faith in the Word of God or just the natural course of events that led to my healing is your choice. But as for me, I am going to continue to walk by faith in God's Word believing He will honor it as I do.
So just to sum these last several posts up on How Faith Works, we put faith to work in our everyday lives by believing, confessing and acting or making movement on the Word of God for every area of our lives.
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