Saturday, February 28, 2015

#16 - Where Does Faith Come From?

Using or exercising your faith is a conscious decision that you make. But having faith is not a decision you make, as faith comes from and is a gift from God.

Romans 12:3 says that to each one God has given a measure of faith. Now you, me and every other human being are an "each one" to whom God has given a measure of faith. You don't decide you want to have faith and you can't earn faith. It is given to you, me and everyone else by God.

Further, Ephesians 2:8 tells us that faith is not something we earn, but a gift from God. Now a gift is something freely given at no cost without the expectation of anything in return out of care, concern and love for another. And it is given for the recipient to use for their benefit and the benefit of others. That's where faith come from, a gift freely given by God to all mankind to be used to benefit His creation, mankind.

Now a gift given is not really a gift until it is received. In other words we need to accept, appreciate and show gratitude toward God for the free gift of faith by using or exercising it as He intends, which is to use our faith to be reconciled back to Him through Jesus or to be "saved"(read all of Ephesians 2:8), and to claim all that He promises us in His Word for ourselves and others.

So accept your free gift of faith from God, and use it to be blessed and to be a blessing to others.

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