Have you ever told an untruth, thinking you were justified in doing so? Maybe to spare someone's feelings, or to protect yourself (aka CYA), or to uphold someones (or your own) honor or reputation. Perhaps it was (as the world likes to call it) just a little white lie. Or, you may have lied to boast, make yourself look good, which is double the trouble as you've now mixed lying with being prideful. Then there may have been those times when you just out and out lied about something and knew you were lying when you did it.
It really doesn't matter, because a lie is a lie is a lie, and lies feed upon lies! I can't find scripture in the Bible that justifies lying. In fact, lying is right after pride in the list of 7 things God hates and are an abomination to Him (cause Him extreme disgust and hatred) in Proverbs 6:16-19. So if we lie for any reason, our faith is rendered ineffective as God is not going to respond to our faith when we are doing something He hates and that causes Him extreme disgust.
Therefore top letting the enemy of lying be a part of your lifestyle! Repent, and change your thinking so your thinking lines lines up with the Word of God, and speak the truth or say nothing at all. And if you do stumble and lie, which you might as we still live in this 'sinful flesh, confess that lie as sin before God, receive His forgiveness and cleansing. Then, your faith will continue to be effective!
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