Verses 18-19 in Proverbs 6 talk about feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who spreads lies, and one who causes discord among the bretheren, all of which are on the list of the 7 things God hates and are an abomination to Him as verse 16 tells us. Among other things, these 3 things are talking about Gossip, Faith's Greatest Enemy #6, which in its simplest form means talking about the personal lives of other people.
Gossiping is of the devil and a form of evil, usually involves spreading rumors of untruth about the subject of the gossip, and is done behind the back of the one being gossiped about eventually causing a rift between that person and those involved in the gossip. In any event, if God hates it and it causes Him extreme disgust, you can rest assured our faith is going to be hindered and ineffective if we are involved in gossiping and are trying to exercise our faith to lay hold of one of God's promises in His Word.
So stop gossiping! Confess the sin of gossip before God and receive His forgiveness and cleansing. Repent, change your thinking about gossiping to line up with Proverbs 6:16-19. And if you can't say something good or edifying about a person to others as well as the person themselves, don't say anything. That way you won't disgust God, and what you are exercising your faith on will come to manifest in your life.
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