Making sacrifices is the third and a very key component to staying on track with your budget. You didn't get into your present financial situation over night, and it probably involved indulging yourself with "things" or "stuff" based on your wants, desires and urges, and not your needs.
So part of getting back on track with your finances by sticking to your budget now requires you to put those wants, desires and urges down, and make some sacrifices.
One definition of sacrifice is giving up something you want in order to do or get somthing you need. Another is to be able to help someone else instead of yourself. Sacrifice can also be defined as saying no to what you want and yes to what God wants. As it relates to staying on track with your budget, sacrifice means going without some things you want or that you don't really need for a season, not trying to "keep up with the Jones's" as it were.
And making sacrifices requires a decision or choice to do so, and then exercising your will to do so mixed with your faith and self-discipline which we talked about in the last Post. It can be painful while go through it, but you will be glad you did when you realize the financial breakthrough you have been seeking for so long.
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