The fourth and final key to staying on track with your budget is repentence or changing the way think. This involves both taking responsibilty for the way you've managed your finances and the present state they are in; and asking God for forgiveness and making a decision to mange your finances God's way and no longer your way, changing the way you think about money, prosperity and material things.
Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to the world but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, with God thinking replacing world or man thinking. This requires getting into the Word to find out what God says about money, debt, prosperity and other things pertaining to your finances, meditating on those things, studying them, speaking them, until you get them in your spirit. The more you get what God says about these things in your spirit, the more you will speak what God says about things and the more you will believe them. And the more you believe what God says about these things, the more you will speak what He believes about these things, and the more you will start to live that out or do that in your life.
If this seems like a lot of work, effort and time, you are right, it is. But this is how you transform your beliefs, words and actions about money, prosperity and your finances. It's a process, not an event, but one worth working through if you want to truly stay on track with your budget and become an effective Steward over the financial blessings God gives you.
So now get to work, establish your budget, and commit to do whatever is neccessary to stay on track.
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