The 10th principle of biblical manhood is that a man of covenant honors his temple.
Romans 12:1 tells us that we should present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 tells us we should flee sexual immorality which is a sin against our own body, that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, that we were bought at a price so we now belong to God not ourselves anymore, and that we should glorify God with our bodies. 1 Thessalonians 4:4 tells us we should possess our bodies in sanctification and honor.
Now these scriptures don't refer to physical fitness only, but speak to keeping our bodies (temples) fit spiritually as well as physically. The world is possessed with staying physically fit, but pays little or no attention to keeping the body spiritually fit. God is telling us to do both, as our bodies no longer belong to us but to God through Christ. We're just Stewards over our bodies with an obligation to keep them worthy for God to reside in through the Holy Spirit and use to do the work of the Kingdom.
We do this by eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and not abusing our bodies with things such as sexual immorality, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. And when we do, we not only please God, but are able to be used by Him to go where He wants us to go, say what He wants us to say and do what He wants us to do, all for the furthering of His Kingdom on the Earth, none of which God is able to do through us if our bodies are broken down, sick or defiled and ravaged by sin. In addition, we feel good about ourselves and can live the long abundant life God wants us to have.
So we need to examine yourselves men of covenant, and let God show each of us, if we don't already know, in what areas we have not been honoring and being good Stewards over our temples. Then repent, and submit to God's will in that area, and commit to doing something about it, and be a man of covenant who honors his temple in every area.
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