So let's wrap this series up with a short recap.
Being a male is a matter of birth, while being a man is a matter of choice.
A covenant relationship cannot be broken without penalty, injury or death, But Jesus has already paid the price for any brokenness in our covenant relationship with God. It's up to us though to choose to claim and walk in what Jesus has done for us.
A Man of Covenant is a man of Commitment, Integrity & Accountability (CIA), the pillars of biblical manhood, and strives to demonstrate these pillars in his live through the following principles.
A Man of Covenant:
1. Is a learned disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a student of the Word of God;
2. Lives by the Word of God as the final authority and absolute rule of conduct for his life;
3. Strives to live righteously, not
deliberately or intentionally
disobeying the Word of God
4. Repents when he does sin;
5. Puts the needs of his family and others above his own;
6. Honors and respects his parents, loves his wife like
Jesus does the church, and
raises his children up
according to the Word of God;
7. Walks by Faith and not by
8. Has a devotional life and
prays daily;
9. Stands in the gap for his
Brothets & Sisters;
10. Honors his temple;
11. Says what he means, and
means what he says; and
12. Models his life after Jesus.
I pray you have been blessed by this series, and make the choice to strive to live as a man (or woman) of covenant. In the near future, I'll be putting all of these Posts together as a single prouct, and making it available as a free download on my web site. (You can also review each Post in the series (#80-99) by going to the home page for this Blog).
Until then, be blessed!
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