Wednesday, May 13, 2015

#39 - Kingdom Prosperity #7

"Remembering God" - the first key to achieving Kingdom Prosperity in your life.

The first part of Deuteronomy 8:18 says that "you shall remember the Lord your God". So if you want to be blessed by God and achieve the kind of prosperity God wants you to have in every area of your life, God needs to be first in your life, above all else.

Stop chasing after "stuff" like the world says we should, and look to God and God alone as your source. Worship Him, Praise Him and live according to His Word. Develop a daily devotional life of time with God, preferably before you start your day, with prayer, reading the Word, praising and worshipping God, just spending time with Him, and seeking and yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God.

Don't just try and squeeze God into your schedule each day, but rather, make Him your priority and schedule everything else around your time with God. Remember He is the creator of all things, and without Him you can do nothing, but with Him all things are possible.

I pray this gives you a small sense of what it means to remember the Lord your God, the first key to achieving Kingdom Prosperity in your life!

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