Thursday, May 21, 2015

#41 - Kingdom Prosperity #8

So what is the power that God gives us to get wealth as Deuteronmy 8:18 says? The short answer is tithes & offerings. But it goes much deeper than that, which we will explore in this and the next several Posts.

We learn from Malachi 3:8-12 that God expects us to bring the tithe which is His, and to give offerings. Tithing and offering then are not really optional. And when we are faithful in tithing and offering, God promises to open up the the windows of Heaven and bless us abundantly.

But the promise of abundant blessing in Malichi continuing as we continue to bring the the tithe and give the offering is tied to our continued faithfulness in putting God first in our life and using the blessing God gives us to establish His Kingdom in the earth rather than using that blessing all for ourselves, as we saw in Deuteronomy 8:18 in the previous three Posts.

Understanding what the tithe and offering really are, and that how we bring the tithe and give the offering really matters are both critical to achieving Kingdom Prosperity in our lives, and where we will pick things up in the next Post.

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