What was intended to be a brief hiatus ended up lasting longer than planned, but now I am back and starting a new series on what it means to be a man of God, titled " Man of Covenant". We'll be looking at this topic from the perspective of a simple concept called CIA and 10 key principles of biblical manhood.
But for now, please consider this quote from the late Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, founder of the Christian Men's Network, which I first heard from Brother Ben Kinchlow on The 700 Club many years ago - "Being a male is a matter of birth, but being a man is a matter of choice". Just because you are born a male doesn' t automatically mean you are a man, just as biologically bringing a child into the world doesn't automatically make you a parent. As with anything in the Kingdom of God, being a Man of God or a parent involves making a decision to die to your will and submitting to God's Will. In either case God won't make you, you have to choose to. And this series will deal with making the choice to live as a Man of God instead of a man of the world.
If you are a woman reading this Post, don't tune out. While it may not apply directly to you it may be helpful in learning some of the charecteristics you should be looking for in the Man of God you are seeking, and/or be worthwhile sharing with men in your life you think could benefit from this.
Therefore I challenge you to follow this series, receive what God has to share on biblcal manhood, apply it in your life and become the Man of Covenant God intends you to be.
I also want to encourage you to tell others about this series, so we can all grow in biblical manhood together.
So get ready, stay tuned and be blessed!
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