Saturday, December 19, 2015

#83 - Man of Covenant #4

Let's now look at the second pillar of what it means to be a man of covenant, the "I", which stands for Integrity.

Living a life of integrity is living a consistent lifestye based on Kingdom principles and values without compromising those principles and values for anybody or anything. It's being a man of his word, a man who says what he means (based on God's Word) and means what he says, a man who can be counted on to carry through on what he says and commits to. A man who stands for and lives by the Kingdom way of doing things despite what the world system may say is right or what every one else may be doing.

Proverbs 10:9 tells us that if we walk with integrity doing what is right we walk securely, but if we don't our perverse ways will be revealed. We further learn from Titus 2:7 that we should show ourselves in all things to be a pattern of good works, displaying integrity, reverence and incorruptability.

Being a man of Integrity takes dedication, discipline, steadfast effort, and Commitment as covered in the previous Post. And I would dare say that each and every man if we are honest with ourselves can find areas of our lives where we have fallen short or missed the mark as far as integrity is concerned. I know I have. So let's choose as we read this Post to work on those areas where we haven't been the men of integrity God expects us to be and already sees us as. Amen?

We'll cover the "A" of the CIA of being a man of covenant in the next Post.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Brother Russell. You are turning into quite a writer.

    Merry Christmas!

    Dr. J
