Wednesday, December 30, 2015

#88 - Man of Covenant #9

The fourth principle of the CIA of being a man of covenant is that when a man of covenant sins, he repents!

By repentance I don't just mean admitting to God that you sinned, saying your sorry, and asking for forgiveness according to 1 John 1:9. That is definitely a part of repentance. But repentance also means to change the way you think to bring about lasting behavorial change in the area where you have sinned.

Romans 12:2 says that we should not be conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is what true repentance is all about, and how one brings about lasting behavioral change instead of short term behavioral change that comes from just confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness.

And true repentance is a process of replacing the garbage in your heart and soul (mind) that led to you sinning in the first place with what the Word of God says about that area of your life. It takes time, effort and discipline to study and meditate on the Word of God related to the area of your life where you sinned until you have engrained what God says on the matter in your spirit (heart) and soul (mind), replacing what the the world has brainwashed you with.

Then, once your spirit and soul have lined up with the Word of God your body and how you act and what you say and do will line up with the Word as well!

So man of covenant, man up as it were when you stumble, and not only receive God's forgiveness but renew your mind and be transformed, something all of us need to do daily.

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